the frnkfather scotch ale

ABV: 6.9%

Hops: Centennial / UK Fuggles

Label Story: we have so many great people that have supported the frnk movement since we launched in early 2018 from my sister’s spare bedroom. whether it’s artwork hanging up somewhere, wearing the merch or sticking frank’s face on random walls and urinals - we always enjoy getting photos of our stuff in the wild. one of the all-time photos we’ve ever gotten was early on in 2020. i opened my phone to a selfie from my dad, wearing his 1 of 1 frnkful dead dad hat, chest and shoulder hair popping out of an original frnk tank top, and a frnk koozie covering what looked like a hard seltzer, with his sunglasses on and a massive, mostly white beard. from that moment on he was forever dubbed the FrnkFather. and in honor of the FrnkFather - we brewed up his favorite type of beer and named it after him.

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